Co-curricular Activities

Academic excellence at Repton Al Barsha is matched by a particularly broad co-curricular programme. Our co-curricular provision is purposeful and ambitious, engaging children in a wide range of disciplines from music to coding, Latin to gymnastics.  Reptonians are able to take full advantage of wonderful opportunities for enrichment, that stretch way beyond the confines of the classroom; trying out new things, taking risks, finding their passions and having fun!

You can access our full Extra-Curricular Programme here.

The activity programme is made up of a combination of activities offered by Repton staff (BSAs & ASAs) and external providers (ECAs).

The sign up for internally run BSAs and ASAs can be accessed here, from Monday 4th September at 4.00pm until Wednesday 6th September at 4.00 pm using your school cloud log in.  

If you have any problems logging in to the school cloud portal please contact the following email address and they will be able to support you with any issues

To sign up for an externally paid club please contact the provider directly (details can be found in the Extra-Curricular Programme).

Whilst our youngest Reptonians settle in to their first term at school, there will just be the one ASA offered for FS1. This will be expanded in the following terms as their confidence soars.

Creativity Club - children will work with their class teacher on a range of activities expressing their creativity through different media.

Sibling Club - available to all pupils who have older siblings finishing school at 3.30. Older siblings will come to the Foundation Stage foyer for pick up.

For their first term, our FS2 pupils will be able to select an ASA for one day. This will be increased to align with the Junior School maximum of two in the following terms as the children settle in.

Art - activities allowing children to express their creativity through different media.

Finger Gym - fun games and activities to help develop fine motor skills and muscle development .

Problem Solving -  number and reasoning problems, explored through play .

English Language Learners - invite only session for developing English language skills.

Performing Arts - fun developing drama and music skills.

STEM - exploring the world of science and technology.

Little Friends of Repton - helping organise school events, brainstorming community projects, poster design, gardening and acts of kindness.

Budding Authors - reading, telling and creating stories, both new and old.

Sibling Club - available to all pupils who have older siblings finishing school at 3.30. Older siblings will come to the Foundation Stage foyer for pick up.

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